Kalitao avo lenta sy avo lenta 5c miitatra

The 5C Expanding Collet is a versatile and efficient device commonly used in metalworking applications, allowing for precise clamping and rotation of cylindrical or tapered workpieces.One of the key advantages of the 5C Expanding Collet is its ability to accommodate various workpiece geometries, including round, square, hexagonal, or irregular shapes.
Ity adaptability ity dia manome safidy tsara ho an'ny fampiharana marobe, toy ny fiodinana, ny fikosoham-bary, ny fikorontanan-teny ary ny fizahana fizahana ihany aza.
5c Colles
Ny loha malefaka dia afaka mitazona fihodinana ary afaka mitazona ny hex square amin'ny alàlan'ny tsindry.
5c Tendrombohitra Fanging
1.Mampiasa amin'ny toerana misy ny fiatrehana ny fiatrehana haingana haingana sy ny fanesorana haingana
2.Body dia henjana sy marim-pototra
3.Ny malefaka ny fotsy machining mainty oxide
5c Collecting
Malemy ny lohany mba hamela ny maody amin'ny fangatahana

Marika | MSK | Anaran'ny vokatra | 5c Collent vonjy maika |
KEVITRA | 65mn | hamafin'ny | 50 |
Taper | 8 | Type | Collet |
fametrahana mazava tsara | 0.01 | Toerana niaviany | Tianjin, Sina |
Warranty | 3 volana | Fanohanana namboarina | Oem, Odm |
Moq | Boaty 10 | Packing | Boaty plastika na hafa |

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