High-celeritate ferro (IV) CCXLI Reducitur Shank EXERCITATIO bits pro praecisione machining

Model non.: (IV) CCXLI
Typus: torquent terebro frenum
Material: High Volo ferro

Product Detail

Product Tags

Tool Gyratorius Burr Bits
Reducitur Shank EXERCITATIO bits

Specifications: 13-60
Usus: Ferrum, Aluminium Alloy et Aliae metallis, lignum, plastic et aliis materiae
Material: High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI
Equipment solebat: EXERCITATIO velit, scamnum terebras, manus terebras et aliis instrumenta pro EXERCITATIO res. (Nota, necesse est addere aquam vel coolant ad refrigeret descendit cum EXERCITATIO ne terebro frenum de ardenti sunt.)

Exemplar Mundi longitudinem (mm) Summa CAECINUS Materia Genus
13 65 CL 13 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
13,5 65 CL 13,5 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
14 65 CL 14 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
14.5 65 CL 14.5 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
15 65 CL 15 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
15,5 65 CL 15,5 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
16 65 CL 16 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
16.5 65 CL 16.5 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
17 65 CL 17 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
17.5 65 CL 17.5 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
18 65 CL 18 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
18,5 65 CL 18,5 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
19 65 CL 19 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
19.5 65 CL 19.5 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
20 65 CL 20 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
20.5 65 CL 20.5 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
21 65 CL 21 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
21,5 65 CL 21,5 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
22 65 CL 22 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
22.5 65 CL 22.5 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
23 65 CL 23 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
23.5 65 CL 23.5 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
24 65 CL 24 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
24,5 65 CL 24,5 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
25 65 CL 25 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
25.5 65 CL 25.5 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
26 65 CL 26 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
26.5 65 CL 26.5 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
27 65 CL 27 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
27,5 65 CL 27,5 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
28 65 CL 28 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
28.5 65 CL 28.5 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
29 65 CL 29 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
29.5 65 CL 29.5 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
30 65 CL 30 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
31 65 CL 31 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
32 65 CL 32 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
33 65 CL 33 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
34 65 CL 34 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
35 65 CL 35 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
36 65 CL 36 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
37 65 CL 37 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
38 65 CL 38 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
39 65 CL 39 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
40 65 CL 40 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
41 65 CL 41 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
42 65 CL 42 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
43 65 CL 43 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
44 65 CL 44 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
45 65 CL 45 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
46 65 CL 46 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
47 65 CL 47 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
48 65 CL 48 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
49 65 CL 49 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
50 65 CL 50 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
55 65 CL 55 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
60 65 CL 60 High Volo Steel (IV) CCXLI Recta manubrio torquent terebro
Reducitur Shank EXERCITATIO
Reducitur Shank EXERCITATIO
Reducitur Shank EXERCITATIO Bit1
reducitur Shank terebro frenum

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Burr Set
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Factory Profile

微信图片 _20230616115337
photobank (XVII) (I)
photobank (XIX) (I)
photobank (I) (I)
详情工厂 I
Burr Bunnings

De nobis

Founded in MMXV, MSK (Tianjin) Internationalis Trading CO., LTD crevit continuously et TransieruntRheinland ISO (IX) I authenticas. Cum Germanica SACCKE summus-finem quinque, axis molere centers, Germanica Zoller sex-axis instrumentum inspectionem Center, Taiwan Palmariae apparatus et alia International Advanced Manufacturing Equipment, sumus committitur ad producendosummus finem, professional et agentibusCNC tool. Nostra proprietas est consilium et vestibulum omnium solidum carbide secare instrumenta:Finis mols, terebras, reamers, taps et speciales instrumenta.Nostrum Business philosophia est providere nostri customers cum comprehensive solutiones, quod amplio machining res, incremento productivity, et redigendum costs.Service + Quality + Effectus. Nostri Consultancy Team etiam offertproductio scire, quomodo, Cum a range of physica et digital solutions ad auxilium nostrum customers navigare tuto in futurum industria 4.0. Nam magis in altius notitia in aliquo particulare area nostri comitatu placereExplore nostrum site orUti Contact Us sectionemut pervenire ad quadrigis directe.


Q1: Quis es nobis?
A1: condita in MMXV, MSK (Tianjin) Cutting technology co.ltd crevit continuously et Transierunt Rheinland ISO (IX) I
Authentication.with Germanico altus-finem quinque, axis molere centers, German Zoller Sex-axis inspectionem inspectionem Center, Taiwan Palmariae Machina et alia International Advanced Manufacturing Equipment, sumus committitur ad producendo summus finem, et efficientem cnc.

Q2: tu negotiatione turba et fabrica?
A2: Nos sumus officinas de carbide instrumenta.

Q3: Numquid mittes products ad Foorer in Sina?
A3: Sic, si forulter in Sina, nos libenter mittere products ei / Her.Q4: Quid Terms of Payment quod gratum?
A4: Northmanni nos accipere T / T.
Q5: Tu accipere OEM ordines?
A5: Sic, oem et Customization sunt praesto, et nos quoque providere title printing servitium.

Q6: Quid vis nobis?
A6: I) Custus Imperium - Purchasing High Quality Products ad convenientem pretium.
II) Velox responsum - in XLVIII horis, professional curatores providebit vobis cum quote et oratio tua de.
III) High Quality - In comitatu semper probat cum sincere intentio, quod products quod providet C% summus qualitas.
IV) Post Sales Service et Technical Duetus - Quod Company providet post-Sales Service et Technical Guidance Secundum Customer Requirements et necessitates.

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