Cov Cuab Yeej Tshiab Hlau Hlau Hss Dovetail Milling Cutter

Khoom Piav Qhia

Yam uas pab
Dovetail milling cutter yam ntxwv
1) Siab hardness thiab hnav tsis kam: Ntawm chav tsev kub, txiav ntawm cov khoom muaj hardness txaus thiab tuaj yeem txiav mus rau hauv lub workpiece; Nrog lub siab hnav tsis kam, cov cuab yeej tsis yooj yim hnav thiab ntev lub neej pabcuam.
2) Cov cua sov zoo tsis kam: The tool generates a lot of heat during the cutting process, especially when the cutting speed is high, the temperature will be higher, the material of the milling cutter should have good heat resistance, and it can still maintain high temperature High hardness, and can continue cutting, that is, good red hardness.
3) Siab zog thiab kev nruj: Lub sijhawm txiav cov txheej txheem, cov hlais milling cutter yuav tsum tau muaj kev cuam tshuam loj, thiab cov milling cutter cov khoom muaj lub zog siab, tsis yooj yim tawg thiab puas. Lub milling cutter yuav tseem yuav raug rau kev poob siab thiab kev co. Lub milling cutter cov khoom muaj cov khoom zoo thiab tsis yooj yim rau nti thiab nti.
Dab tsi tshwm sim tom qab cov neeg hla kev hla ntawm lub Dovetail Milling Cutter
1. Los ntawm cov duab ntawm nti, lub nti ua tuab thiab flaky. Vim tias qhov nce ntawm qhov ntsuas kub ntawm lub nti, xim ntawm lub nti hloov ntshav thiab haus luam yeeb.
2. Qhov ntxhib ntawm cov txheej txheem ua ntej ntawm workpiece yog tsis zoo heev, thiab saum npoo ntawm workpiece tshwm sim ci nrog gnawing cim lossis ripples.
3. Cov txheej txheem siv cov txheej txheem tsim kev co loj thiab suab nrov.
4. Kev txiav txim los ntawm cov duab ntawm rab riam ntug, muaj qhov kaj dawb ntawm rab riam ntug.
5. Thaum milling steel seem nrog high-ceev steel milling cutters, yog tias lubricated nrog roj thiab txias, ntau cov pa luam yeeb yuav tsim tawm. Thaum lub milling cutter yog passivated, nres lub tshuab nyob rau hauv lub sij hawm los kuaj cov hnav ntawm milling cutter. Yog tias tus coj yog me ntsis, siv cov roj pob zeb los zom cov ntug txiav ua ntej siv; Yog tias hnav yog qhov mob hnyav, nws yuav tsum tau nqus kom tiv thaiv kev hnav ntau dhau ntawm lub tshuab milling cutter. Hnav thiab kua muag.
Hom | Msk | Khoom | Hss |
Daim plhaub | tsis sib haum | Ceg kaum | 45 ° 55 ° 60 ° 50 ° |
Moq | 3 pcs | Kev siv | Tshuab dhos |
Ntaus | 16-60mm | OEM & ODM | Tau |